Why Do I Sneeze When I Vape THC?
“Those who sneeze without a tissue…take matter into their own hands.” Now that the terrible pun is out of the way, we can get down to the matter at hand...
Can Cannabis Damage Your Teeth?
There is a common assumption that cannabis users suffer permanent damage to their teeth. Yellowing, tooth decay, and weakened enamel are all assumed to be exacerbated by consistent cannabis use,...
The Best Drinks To Try When You're High
Cannabis and psychoactive compounds offer a deeply relaxing way to get high and leave your stress behind. As you sink into a soothing euphoria, you may experience a number of...
The Best Snacks To Eat While High
One of the most famous side effects of marijuana consumption is an obsession with tasty treats, better known as the munchies! This same side effect presents itself with a plethora...
Can I Use Cannabis While Working?
Cannabis, whether it be marijuana or hemp, is shaping our world into an extremely different place than it was just a few years ago. Less than a decade ago, cannabis...
An easy guide to choosing the right cannabinoid-infused product
In our last article, we went into great detail on how to choose the correct cannabinoid. This article is the follow up for such a decision: how to choose the...
How To Choose The Right Cannabinoid
Ever since President Donald Trump approved the 2018 Farm Bill, the cannabinoid market has become saturated with all sorts of fascinating compounds. The list includes Delta-8 THC, HHC, THC-O, CBD,...